We need your help.

Get Involved

There are lots of ways to get involved and to help further our mission of helping people in Afghanistan with a path to the United States to get here successfully.

Volunteer Your Time

Around here we have a saying, “Paperwork saves lives!” It’s true. Getting the correct paperwork submitted for a Special Immigrant Visa or other types of Immigrant Visa is no easy feat.

Allied Airlift 21 screens cases and assist applicants added to the Afghan Ally Register. This means we sort through the documentation provided and let people know what they are missing in order to be eligible to travel to the United States. Over the last many months, these requirements have changed (for example until recently everyone needed a valid passport, but now passports must have 6 months left on them at the time of the flight.) Each Afghan family has a US based sponsor (who is usually the person who provided us with the case) who our team of volunteers communicates with. We educate the sponsors so they are better able to help the families they work with.

Basic Qualifications

  • Ability to work in a highly collaborative team that is actively making a difference as a trusted resource.

  • Willingness to commit time over a period of at least a couple months - it takes a while to get up to speed on process and documentation. In addition, cases take a long time to complete. As the primary point of contact for some sponsors, we need your help to ensure communications remain consistent.

  • Computer and web application skills, particularly spreadsheets, and online chat applications.

In addition to working cases, we have other volunteer needs, including help with IT, project coordination, training, and communications.

Want to learn more? Complete the Volunteer Interest Form

Finally, help us spread the word about our summer internship opportunities. If you know a college or grad student who would be interested in getting involved this summer, please pass the position descriptions (posted on this page) on to them.


Financial donations are always needed and very much appreciated. As an all volunteer organization, our operational costs are relatively low, but there is work we have already been doing in Afghanistan that we are raising money for and we have additional plans that we need to raise funds for to make them a reality.

Learn more about giving to AA21

Additionally, our Executive Chair, France Hoang, has launched an online fundraising campaign to raise the funds necessary to support additional potential authorized travel routes out of Afghanistan.

Learn More

We ask that you help us get the word out to your networks by doing one of the following:

(1) share the above link on your social media in your own post;

(2) like and retweet/share the below links about the fundraiser on your social media:




Educate Your Friends and Family

We are navigating a complicated process to get people out of Afghanistan, and a key element to being successful is making sure that Afghanistan doesn’t fall out of the consciousness of Americans. We need Congress to enact legislation, which is unlikely to occur if they think their constituents have forgotten.

Current Internship Openings:

We are looking for summer interns to help with the lifesaving work AA21 is doing. Specifically we are looking for college or graduate students who can devote 20-40 hours a week to supporting these different aspects of the organization. Please share this information with anyone you know who may be interested.

Operations Intern

Communications Intern

IT Intern