Give them a chance.
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Where does my money go?

100% of donations support Allied Airlift operational costs as well as reimbursements and support to organizations conducting evacuations.

The $100,000 Challenge!


Give today, and generous benefactors have agreed to match all contributions dollar-for-dollar up to $100,000! Giving today ensures AA21’s future operations can continue!


About AA21 Fundraising

Members of each Afghan family we support worked for or alongside U.S. and other Coalition forces during the war. Like our armed forces, they did so in the hopes of a free Afghanistan for future generations.

Because of their service to the ideals of democracy, their lives are now in critical danger. Let them know the world has not forgotten their sacrifice, and give them hope during these dangerous times in their lives.

Allied Airlift 21 applied for 501c3 tax exempt status in August 2021. Tax exempt status is pending and typically takes six months. Allied Airlift 21 is registered in Washington DC. EIN 87-2330912.

National Able Network

For nearly 50 years the non-profit organization National Able Network (EIN 23-7339397) has been helping people in need find meaningful, and self-sustaining employment. Today, they’ve become a powerful sponsor of Allied Airlift 21 providing pro bono support to ensure we manage your donations effectively.


From the board room to the mountain valleys.

Many organizations and corporations just like yours have chosen to provide high-impact gifts to support evacuation efforts for our allies in Afghanistan. If you would like to speak with our Director of Giving about a high-value gift or our donation-matching campaigns, send your email below and we will contact you. Thank you for your service to our allies.